Planet Earth University
At Planet Earth University™, every student is given the tools to get through life’s challenges and succeed. Here, you’ll get access to videos, worksheets, and original articles that help you to grow and love yourself more each day.
You'll notice that I capitalize certain words in my books and articles. These words have special meanings for me, and this glossary shares my personal definitions.
God, Energy, Force, Spirit. These four elements are the foundation of my spiritual practice. I refer to them often as a source of strength and guidance.
More than virtuous or righteous, I use this word as a reflection of God and the power that we have within to grow and be better. To be Good is divine.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Ten Nuggets
(from my book)
This is a selection of thoughts from each chapter of
For the Love of My Father to consider as you read them.
Chapter One: We live in a cause-and-effect Universe, and though many things that happen are inexplicable, there is Divine Order behind them.
Chapter Two: I don’t believe there is a spiritual path that doesn’t have forgiveness as a teaching.
Chapter Three: Not taking your father’s actions personally can help you heal.
Chapter Four: Finding answers always goes back to my understanding of GEFS and the Universe.
Chapter Five: Doesn’t it seem unusual to protect ourselves against an enemy who no longer exists or no longer has power over us?
Chapter Six: Additionally, it is known that after a generation of survivors experience trauma, they may transfer their trauma to their children and further generations of offspring via complex post-traumatic stress disorder mechanisms.
Chapter Seven: If you suffered experiences that created Daddy issues in you, the Good News is that just like any other challenge any other human faces, your Daddy issues are fixable. This issue is no different or worse than any other issue.
Chapter Eight: Fatherlessness is a very serious and growing issue.
Chapter Nine: Very significantly, I was able to show respect to him as a vessel through which I came into the world despite everything that had happened.
Chapter Ten: Eventually, this is what I got. I had to accept the circumstances I was delivered into. It didn’t matter why or how they had come to be and arguing against them made no sense because they were what they were.
How We Get There
It seems strange that many of us suffer a great deal and yet spend a lot of time and energy seeking to hide that fact. It is important to me to tell the truth about my experiences, from my perspective of course; and share how my Spiritual journey led me to healing. The bottom line is that if it was possible for me, it is possible for anyone seeking healing.
Many generations lived and died without even being able to speak about their issues and suffering. But today we have more opportunities to speak about our suffering and take steps to seek healing. My goal is to develop and provide resources and tools to help others make their way through some of the issues many of us face in the world today.
Despite the turmoil swirling around us it is an amazing time to be alive. We have options to speak about and to take steps to seek healing. Now more than ever before there are resources and tools available for healing whatever ails us. We just have to be willing to seek our healing and do the work.
Once we have a real understanding of our Spiritual identity, we will have a better understanding of life on the Planet. One of the keys is to understand that our childhood experiences and traumas can lead to transforming us into greater humans and guide us to our life purpose.