About Olivia

I have been a student and practitioner of New Thought and Metaphysics for over thirty years. These teachings changed my life, helped me make sense of the many challenges I faced, and helped me heal.

Ultimately, I learned we are all here on spaceship Earth learning lessons. As a result, I’ve coined the term Planet Earth University ™. The lessons are intended to help us grow into our true identity as spiritual beings.

It took me decades to break free from the results of the challenges I faced in my childhood. Now, I have accepted that as difficult and ugly as the challenges were, they served to help me become the person I am today. It is not always easy to accept, but as I say often, I wouldn’t change anything if these experiences were what was required to make me the person I am today.

The challenges sent me in search of answers about everything, including the meaning and purpose of life. They ultimately led me to understand the importance of forgiveness in liberating myself from the weight of the past. They also led me to understand I am a spiritual being, always connected to my spiritual identity, here to learn lessons while I am here on the planet.

I want to assure you there is a way to heal from your life challenges. Whether, like me, you suffered as a result of the absence of your father or any of the other millions of challenges we can face as humans on the planet, my journey is a testament to the fact that you can overcome your trials and change your life.



I'm on a mission to share my experiences to help you heal.