
From an early age, the challenges of my childhood and my unique cultural and religious background made me contemplative of life and its meaning. I was raised in the Jehovah’s Witness religion while attending Catholic schools. While still in the Jehovah’s Witness religion, I attended a conservative Christian High School. By the time I was 30, I was desperate for answers. I wanted to resolve the ironies and contradictions of life. The answers I sought had to be beyond the things my religious upbringing had taught me.

I have been very fortunate to have many spiritual teachers along the way. However, one of my greatest teachers was the Reverend Dr. Mary A. Tumpkin, the former President of Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc., and former Senior Minister of The Universal Truth Center for Better Living, Inc. She was my teacher, and I served as her legal counsel for many years.

The long list of challenges I faced in my life inspires me to write about how it is possible to come to Planet Earth, face very difficult things and overcome them. They made me wonder about the very reason for my existence and sent me on a journey to find answers.

In For the Love of My Father, I offer hope by allowing women to see, that despite how difficult it can be to grow up without a father, they can be made whole. It addresses men by assisting them in supporting the women they Love on the healing journey to overcome the absence of a father. It is also intended to help men who were or are absent fathers by providing insight, as well as perspective on their role and the impact their absence has on their daughters’ lives.

In Answers From Within, I show my process for finding the answers I sought. What was the purpose of life if there was just suffering and hard work? I explore what I call the essential questions and show how you can answer them for yourself. Ultimately, the goal is to help you find the source of your power and the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities you’ve been granted so you can use them in service of the world. Wonderfully, as we do this, we also find fulfillment, Love, and joy.

Books by Olivia S. Benson

In For the Love of My Father, Olivia S. Benson journeys through some of the gut-wrenching childhood experiences that created a perfect storm of circumstances, leaving gaping holes in her Soul. Benson shares the keys to her healing, discussing how important it is for women to heal themselves so they can take their rightful place in the world.

Answers From Within is a book about finding real answers to the questions and challenges plaguing many of us regarding work. It offers different perspectives about everything we have believed thus far about our existence on the planet. In it, Benson says, she eventually understood that not everyone was concerned about happiness or joy at work; most of us just do what is necessary to make a living. She concluded that survival alone wasn’t enough for her. She wondered what would make her existence worthwhile. Ultimately, she found that many of us need a Good reason to spend our lives doing the work we do and pouring our existence into it. If we don’t have a Good reason, life can seem meaningless and exhausting. We need a Good reason for being, and our work is at the core of it.