About My Writing
My writing is always intended to evoke thought. As a result, there are usually many questions. Every human is so unique that we each have to find our own answers. My questions are intended to take you beyond just thinking and into knowing the Spiritual part of yourself. Making that contact was how I found my answers and healed many of my challenges.
Everything is centered around understanding the nature of the Universe, which for me, is interchangeable with God. We humans have many names for It, but I call It, GEFS (God, Energy, Force, Spirit). This is an acronym to attempt to sum up the hugeness of what we are attempting to describe when we say God.
For me, GEFS is beyond and above human and, therefore, genderless. So, I use the pronoun “It,” which is also capitalized. This is a term of respect, because GEFS must be way beyond being simply male or female. Gender requires a physical body, and this is not a characteristic of this Energy Force, Spirit.
Sometimes, when I use certain words to ascribe acts to GEFS, it is an attempt to describe what It is doing from a very limited human perspective and vocabulary. I use quotations for those actions. For example, to say GEFS “thinks” is not really accurate. Thinking is a human action and requires a physical brain.
I capitalize certain words when referring to this Energy or Force. Love, Spirit, Energy, Force, Divine, Universe, and, of course, God are all capitalized as they refer to It. Sometimes, just for fun, I capitalize the word Good because I feel it is interchangeable with God.
I also use the word “human” frequently to ground us in our commonality. It may seem obvious we are humans living on the planet. Yet, as we look around and see how we treat one another, we can apparently use some reminders!
I use “we,” “us,” and other words referring to the actions of all humans on the planet frequently. This is in recognition of the fact that we are all ultimately part of a collective consciousness. We are each contributing our drop into the sea of collective consciousness, whether it is positively or negatively. Every drop of consciousness matters, despite what we might otherwise have been led to believe. We all matter.
One of my words is “churchification.” I use it mostly in relationship to myself and my religious education/indoctrination as a child. There was a lot of “church” in my life and a lot of different churches.
Another one of my words is “Pleasure Principle.” I use this phrase to describe the fact that GEFS is so amazing that It includes pleasure in the things we have to do to survive (eating, sleeping, working, reproduction, etc.)