Answers From Within: Answers to Work Life Issues in the Age of Spiritual Evolution

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We live in a world that often seems upside down and where many of us live in ways contrary to the ultimate truth about life. But, if we come to know we are not random accidents born into the world to struggle and suffer trying to make a living, we can alleviate many of the challenges we face with work.

Based on Einstein’s formula, scientists claim a human represents approximately 1.86 million kilotons of “dynamite energy.” The atomic bomb used during World War II was approximately 21 kilotons of explosives. This means we are created with 88,403 times more “explosive energy” than that bomb. Why are we created with all this power? What are we supposed to do with it?

The key to resolving many of the issues we face with our work is coming to know the true nature of GEFS (God, Energy, Force, Spirit) and knowing who we truly are relative to It.
There are four questions to consider in our process of finding answers to our work issues:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
Who is going with me?

This book is a helpful guide to finding your way back to your essential self and finding the real answers you are seeking about the work you are here to do.


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